Bienvenidos a todos los miembros de Mu Instinto.
Esperamos ofrecerle diversión y muchos retos en el largo futuro que nos queda como administradores de éste gran server hecho tú medida.
Este primero post es para presentarnos ante toda la comunidad y sepamos quienes somos.
Ejemplo: Me llamo Miguel tengo 26 años de edad, vivo en Venezuela, soy Ingeniero Informático. Me apaciona estar frente al ordenador todos los días. Ahora mi otra pasión descubierta es Administrar éste servidor para todos ustedes.
Ahora dime que debemos saber de tí y porqué eres diferente.
Quiero que sepas que me gusta escuchar cada voz que desea expresar o aportar positivamente al servidor para seguir creciendo. Si tienes algo que decir, no tengas miedo y dínoslo.
Admin, Mu Instinto Online.
Introdúcete - Queremos saber de tí
Re: Introdúcete - Queremos saber de tí
Hello Everyone
My name is Gabriel and I live in Romania (not gypsy)
I'm 30 years old and I'm Married with my beloved wife Daniela . She's 31 and we have a little girl named Rebecca who is 3,5 years
I'm a normal worker,doing electronic components/board(payed very low...because I Live in Romania,and hire everything is possible when we speak to negativism and parliament things)
I was on Faculty but i didn't had the necessary money to accomplish it so i just have the High School study. My wife finished a Faculty
and i'm very proud about her 
My English is pretty bad,at write but on speak i'm actually a little good
I know very few words in Spanish/Argentinian language
I play Mu since 15 years, of course with some pauses but this game remain in my soul forever
I looked for a Mu server and barely find this Mu witch had every aspect i enjoy like Real Players Online(hope i'm not wrong) and because it is an old fashioned style but not too old and because have a HORN OF FENRIR witch is my main reason i play on Mu servers witch have this BEAST,i don't know why i like it so much but whatever
I like the players because they are active and pretty much everything is on this server
I played here several months ago but i'v done a pause and now i'm back and hope i'll play it long term
My account is Lascovici and my character in-game is named Freak , my only favorite character from game ever ever ever . I don't know really why
but i like it a lot
My main focus is full stats then buy some premium ultimate accesories for my character,i want best items from game for my class including rings pendant wings and set witch i saw it can be obtain only if i donate,hope i'll do that in the next few months
What to say more? I already made a long latter
Maybe a gift as a "new started"
Respect Everyone and to the Staff members and community and all hard work you made for this server to work

My name is Gabriel and I live in Romania (not gypsy)
I'm 30 years old and I'm Married with my beloved wife Daniela . She's 31 and we have a little girl named Rebecca who is 3,5 years
I'm a normal worker,doing electronic components/board(payed very low...because I Live in Romania,and hire everything is possible when we speak to negativism and parliament things)
I was on Faculty but i didn't had the necessary money to accomplish it so i just have the High School study. My wife finished a Faculty

My English is pretty bad,at write but on speak i'm actually a little good

I know very few words in Spanish/Argentinian language
I play Mu since 15 years, of course with some pauses but this game remain in my soul forever
I looked for a Mu server and barely find this Mu witch had every aspect i enjoy like Real Players Online(hope i'm not wrong) and because it is an old fashioned style but not too old and because have a HORN OF FENRIR witch is my main reason i play on Mu servers witch have this BEAST,i don't know why i like it so much but whatever

I like the players because they are active and pretty much everything is on this server
I played here several months ago but i'v done a pause and now i'm back and hope i'll play it long term
My account is Lascovici and my character in-game is named Freak , my only favorite character from game ever ever ever . I don't know really why

My main focus is full stats then buy some premium ultimate accesories for my character,i want best items from game for my class including rings pendant wings and set witch i saw it can be obtain only if i donate,hope i'll do that in the next few months
What to say more? I already made a long latter

Maybe a gift as a "new started"

Respect Everyone and to the Staff members and community and all hard work you made for this server to work

Re: Introdúcete - Queremos saber de tí
Hehehe nice intro, nice to meet you Gabriel. Hope you enjoy playing the server, im really new too, started today but im already enjoying it. Greetings and good luck!Lascovici escribió: ↑21 Ene 2020, 11:01Hello Everyone
My name is Gabriel and I live in Romania (not gypsy)
I'm 30 years old and I'm Married with my beloved wife Daniela . She's 31 and we have a little girl named Rebecca who is 3,5 years
I'm a normal worker,doing electronic components/board(payed very low...because I Live in Romania,and hire everything is possible when we speak to negativism and parliament things)
I was on Faculty but i didn't had the necessary money to accomplish it so i just have the High School study. My wife finished a Facultyand i'm very proud about her
My English is pretty bad,at write but on speak i'm actually a little good
I know very few words in Spanish/Argentinian language
I play Mu since 15 years, of course with some pauses but this game remain in my soul forever
I looked for a Mu server and barely find this Mu witch had every aspect i enjoy like Real Players Online(hope i'm not wrong) and because it is an old fashioned style but not too old and because have a HORN OF FENRIR witch is my main reason i play on Mu servers witch have this BEAST,i don't know why i like it so much but whatever
I like the players because they are active and pretty much everything is on this server
I played here several months ago but i'v done a pause and now i'm back and hope i'll play it long term
My account is Lascovici and my character in-game is named Freak , my only favorite character from game ever ever ever . I don't know really whybut i like it a lot
My main focus is full stats then buy some premium ultimate accesories for my character,i want best items from game for my class including rings pendant wings and set witch i saw it can be obtain only if i donate,hope i'll do that in the next few months
What to say more? I already made a long latter)
Maybe a gift as a "new started"![]()
Respect Everyone and to the Staff members and community and all hard work you made for this server to work
- Mensajes: 1
- Registrado: 08 Feb 2021, 20:15
Re: Introdúcete - Queremos saber de tí
Buenas noches! Mi nombre es Matías, argentino, tengo 29 años y soy Abogado. Empecé a jugar este mu que parece bastante activo y sobre todo bien recomendado. Largué con un mago como hago siempre y de a poco iré interiorizandome sobre los aspectos que aún desconozco cómo sockets y esas cosas raras jaja.